Monday, June 22, 2015

9 Trains

June 22, 2015

Well this week was crazy, wonderful, long, short, tiring, and just good! 

1. We went to Antwerpen on p-day and we wanted to play we made a net out of sweatshirts and hung them on two trees and played. It was awesome! 
2. We taught a lady this week and she has two little twin babies. They were so active while we tried to teach her. At one point she got up and said " daughter is eating leaves." It was so funny to be talking about Christ and then worry about a child eating leaves. 
3. There is this wonderful couple in the ward here. We eat with them every monday night. Well last week we were there and they had a picture on the wall from about 10 years ago. In the picture, Jo still had brown hair. So I looked at him and then back at the picture and back at him. And he started saying to his wife, did you just see the way she looked at me. It was funny. Then my sassy side came out and I said "Well you look very good, for an old man." We laughed pretty hard. He has told everyone in the ward and makes jokes about it every time I see them. Oh it is great! They are my favorite people here. 
4. So we got to go to Charlie's baptism, which was awesome, but we are terrible with trains and took 9 trains to get there and should have taken maybe 3. We learned our lesson though. :) 
5. We were sitting in an appointment yesterday and I thought I had a bug in my hair but I couldn't find anything. I didn't think much about it. About 5 minutes later it was crawling across my was gross. We laughed with the member about it though. :) 

This week was wonderful, as always! Monday, we had an awesome lesson with our investigator Eline. We all bore our testimonies of the Book of Mormon and she bore hers too. Then we committed her to fasting and picking a baptismal date. She said she would and she did it. We haven't heard what she has decided yet but we are excited for her to prepare to be baptized. We had a wonderful correlation with our ward mission leader and we are getting things prepared for Natalie and Suzette to be baptized! Wednesday, Sister Robbins came on exchanges with me in Lokeren!! It was so much fun to work together again. I have missed her a lot. We stayed up really late catching up but it was worth it. We saw some amazing miracles the day we worked together. We taught 2 of our potentials. They aren't really interested but we had a good conversation. We also taught a recently baptized member. She is amazing and so excited to go to the Temple this month. We taught Natalie as well. We taught the 3rd lesson and it was amazing. The spirit was so strong and Natalie is amazing. We set up all of our appointments until she gets baptized. She is so ready!! She came to church on Sunday and loved it. I also went on exchange with Sister Goodman. I was her sister training leader in Amsterdam. It was fun to see her and catch up too. She told me that I changed her mission and that I taught her a lot. It meant a lot to hear that I had made a difference in her life. She is wonderful. We found two really cool potentials and had an awesome lesson with Suzette. Suzette's parents are totally on board for her to get baptized. Friday was a blessed day. We met with Benjamin, a member's son, and taught him the 3rd lesson and asked him to set a baptismal date. He will be baptized on the 26th of July! My dad's birthday. He is super excited and amazing. Also, his dad came to church on sunday which was a total surprise and shock to me. He had told me that when he was ready to believe he would come to church. Then he came with Benjamin and stayed for 2 hours. The dad told me that he surprised himself coming to church but that he had enjoyed it. The ward did an awesome job of reaching out and talking to him. Friday night, we had an activity for the women from the age of 18-31. We went on a walk in nature. It was amazing and so beautiful. Eline and Natalie came and really enjoyed it. The spirit was really strong too! I love being in Nature! Saturday was wonderful. After our first set of adventures with the trains, we went to Charlie's baptism! It was amazing! I almost started crying during the first hymn. I have waited so long to see her baptized. It was so special! I love her and am so proud of her. It was a beautiful service! I also got to see Sister Mashburn which was wonderful. I had so much to tell her! we talked a bunch and went to lunch. Oh she is wonderful. We are hoping she will get transferred down to Belgium so we can go on exchanges next transfer. Sunday was good. Church was amazing! We had 8 people there!!! I don't even know how that happened. That is definitely a record for my mission. This place is amazing! Sunday afternoon we weren't sure what to do so we went and looked up a member that we didn't know that well. She is married to a non-member that isn't too pleased with the church. She was home alone and we had a wonderful conversation with her. She wants us to teach her son the lessons! We are so excited. She is so strong and is in a hard situation. We got a text this morning from her cousin thanking us for going by and telling us that we were inspired. It was a tender mercy. So often we have no idea if we are following the spirit but most the time we are! It is incredible! 

I love it here in Lokeren! I am seeing so many miracles and the Lord is truly blessing me and my companion. 

Lokeren is wonderbaarlijk! 

Zuster Adams

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