Well Folks my time in Amsterdam will end on Wednesday. I am being transferred for the last time on my mission....to Lokeren, Belgium! I am going to Belgium! I can´t believe it. I am going to a small city. The church is in Sint Niklaas. I have to learn a new culture, a new freaky form of dutch-vlaams, and all different food. The Lord is definitely giving me an adventure for the last few months of my mission. I am really excited. I am SUPER sad to be leaving Amsterdam. I love this place with my whole heart. I have seen incredible miracles here and I am so grateful! Amsterdam really has been a city of dreams for me!
1. We talked to this guy on the street in Amsterdam Noord Monday night. To get to Amsterdam Noord you have to take a ferry. We talked to this guy for about 20 minutes but we were going to be late home. So we said goodbye and the minute we turned around we went into a full sprint. The ferry was leaving in 1 minute and we were 300 meters away. We ran so fast and we made it. But I can only imagine what we must have looked like to the guy we talked to. It was like we were scared of him and ran as fast as we could away. It was funny.
2. Sister Mashburn has been attracted to a lot of cigarettes lately. Last week, an old lady told her to pick her cigarette for her off the ground. This week she sat on 3 cigarettes that were in her seat on the tram.
3. We watched the Restoration video on Youtube this week. The Dutch translation was terrible! At some point, Obama was in the translation. We kept having to tell our investigator that it was a bad translation.
4. My shoes have been dying in the past few weeks. I love them but they are struggling. The straps on my black pair have been getting really loose. I walked around a corner this week and it a brick on the way. The button for my shoe just popped right off. I had broken shoes for the rest of the day because we didn´t have time to go home. My shoe fell off while I was biking. It was pretty funny.
5. I also managed to get my bag stuck on my bike this week and fall over on my bike while standing up. Really smart.
6. We were teaching about the resurrection this week and our investigator Alberto said "So we will all get a body like Christan Renaldo (Perfect) when we are resurrected?" It was awesome!
Well this past week was wonderful! We worked really hard and saw a lot of miracles! Monday was great! We met with our investigator Michael and he has been talking to his wife in Uganda about the church and about baptism. It is really cool! Tuesday, I went to Ijmuiden on my last exchange as a Sister Training Leader. I got released yesterday. It was a great exchange. I was with Sister Verdegem! We had fun talking dutch the whole day and going to a bunch of appointments. Wednesday was wonderful. We told our investigators that I was probably leaving and they all made appointments with us! It was wonderful! We met with Reshma. We shared an awesome thought with her. She is so amazing! Then she gave me a going away gift. I felt so loved! I will miss her. We taught Mai and Sandra that night. They are still amazing. Mai is moving to Portugal in July. We are bummed about that but it is okay. She wants to look up the church there. Sandra actually lives outside our area and will go to church somewhere else. So we are looking into having the Elders there teach her. We will teach her for right now but eventually they will teach her. I really think she will be baptized. We taught the Plan of Salvation this week. At the end of the lesson, I asked if they believed in what we had taught them. Sandra said "I don´t just believe it. I know that it is true. I feel like I am remembering it from the pre-mortal life." Oh it was amazing!! May be one of the coolest moments on my mission. Thursday was a bit of an odd day. We spent a lot of time biking. We had no plans that evening and weren´t sure where to go. We had planned to go to a near-by city but I didn´t feel good about it. We prayed to know where to go and after thinking about it Sister Mashburn mentioned someone that we have been meaning to look up forever. The minute she said it I knew we needed to go there. When we got there, Wilma was home and said we are welcome to come back on a Wednesday morning. She was so positive and nice. I can´t wait to hear how that goes. Saturday was a bit crazy. We had an appointment with Alberto. It went so good! He loved the Plan of Salvation. He wants to hang the picture we drew on his wall! His prayers are amazing! He likes the Book of Mormon and reads all that we give him. We also had an appointment with the family from Ghana that we taught last week. It was a miracle! We showed up a little late and when we rang the doorbell no one answered. So we waited and waited but nothing. So we started to knock the doors around their house. After about 5 more minutes, the door suddenly opens. Hansen comes out and tells us to come in. His wife wasn´t home so we decided to share a short message. Then his wife comes home and we taught them the 2nd lesson. They loved it! Mary prayed that they would do all they could so that they could go to the Sun (Celestial Kingdom). It was amazing! Yesterday, we taught a cool lesson to a man we met from Afghanistan this week. He is really cool and it was a good lesson. One of my favorite members called us on our way home to eat dinner and asked if we had somewhere to eat. We replied that we didn´t and she invited us over. It was wonderful! She made us wonderful food. We shared a lot of cool lessons we have learned from the gospel. She gave me a beautiful painting of the Salt Lake Temple and wrote me a note on the back. I am going to miss her! We taught 11 lessons this past week and are working so hard to have someone with a baptismal date. Things are going so well in Amsterdam. I love it here!
Zuster Adams
Mai, Sandra, Roos(member), and us!
Yesterday, in Ijburg!
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