April 6, 2015
This past week has been wonderful! The Lord truly does support us and give us exactly what we need to keep going!
Funnies for the week:
1. The wind this past week was absolutely crazy!! It blew and just kept blowing. I felt like I was going to fall over when we were walking. I will not miss the wind here in Holland.
2. I kept nodding off on a metro this week and it was pretty funny to watch apparently because we were able to talk to someone about the gospel afterwards because they thought it was so funny and wanted to know who we were. Sleeping...a form of contact? Never would have guessed it.
3. We walked past a bunch of geese this week and I decided to try and convert them as well. I tried to give them a card...but I got a sad rejection. We also rode a merry-go-round that day. :)
4. We were trying to explain what cottage cheese was to our ward mission leader was. We described it as lumpy...assuming that he knew that word. He had no clue what that word meant but thought it was funny. So he started using it for everything. He looked at a woman and said "She looks lumpy...we should go talk to her about the gospel." We died laughing. We then Google translated it on his phone and with a sigh he said "We shouldn't call people that word." It was awesome! So the whole week we have been making jokes about lumpy people and other things.
This week was full of miracles. Life, am learning, is just full to the brim with miracles in every moment. Some of my mission dreams came true this week! We have had no one to teach basically my whole time in Amsterdam. It has been really hard and a lot of work. But last week we got 4 new investigators and this week we got 4 more new investigators. We have over 8 investigators and 3 progressing investigators with another 1st lesson this week. I don't know if I have ever seen that much success and explosion of work in a two week period in my whole mission. It was amazing! 3 of the new investigators for this week were a family. It is a Mom and her two sons. They are a member referral and the member came with us to the appointment. It may have been one of the coolest lessons of my mission. After eating dinner with the family, we sat around the table and we shared the restoration story with them. The spirit was tangible in the air and in their hearts. I could see that what we were saying was affecting those there. The coolest moment came when we taught them about prayer. We asked if they had ever prayed and they said that they hadn't ever really prayed. We taught them all how to pray and then asked them each to say a prayer for us. It was amazing! They all prayed and encouraged each other to try. The prayers were so heartfelt and touching. They truly were talking to their Heavenly Father. We asked them if they would be baptized if they knew that the Book of Mormon was true and they said yes. It was one of the most spiritual lessons I have taught and experienced. They have such a desire to do what is right. Their family has been going through a lot of hardship lately and the older son (23yrs) had stopped talking to his mother. In his prayer, he expressed his desire to make amends with his mother and help them make a strong happy family. It was amazing to literally see the power of the atonement at work. Their hearts were changed that night. They came to volleyball the next night at the church and loved it. Kyrti, the mother, thanked us for coming and for peace that we had brought with us. She told us that there truly was something different when we came. It was amazing! That family is an answer to many of my prayers. My biggest mission dream is to help bring a member referral family into the church. Teaching them has fulfilled that dream. I am so excited to teach them again this week. I do not think their process to baptism will be a long one. The other people we taught this week are amazing and doing really well! I went to Mission Leader Council this week and learned a lot. I learned about the Book of Mormon and the importance of it. I learned how to better teach my investigators the importance of the Book of Mormon. The importance is in the Savior, Jesus Christ. I am learning more and more about the atonement and my Savior. The Book of Mormon first testifies of Jesus Christ before anything else. I am grateful for what I learned! Conference this week was amazing! I learned so much. There have been a lot of things on my mind with going home in August and with how to finish out my mission with everything I have. I had questions that I wrote down and questions that I didn't even know I had. They were all answered. I feel immense peace in the future and in the present. I know that the Lord has much in my future and I know that he has much for me to do today. It is wonderful how every time you listen to Conference how much knowledge you are able to receive. For any of you that have not watched all sessions, I would encourage you to do so. I feel like I can go out and conquer the world. To top it off, we are going to the Temple tomorrow!! It will be the last time I am in the Temple on my mission. I am going to savor every moment! We will then go to Keukenhof, which is a giant garden park full of tulips and every other type of flower you could think of. I am so excited! Pray that the Sun will be shining. Spring hasn't quite made it to Nederland yet. Hopefully it will soon! Yesterday, I got to see Rick and Joyce De Bruijn from Lelystad! It made my day and week!! Ahh I have missed them so much! Well I feel like there is more to say but I can't think of anything so I guess I will just stop here. :)
Blijf aan het glimlachen!
Zuster Adams
2. Panenkoeken party with the elders this morning! We watched the last session of conference!