Friday, December 12, 2014

"Oh, the weather outside is frightful"

Dec 1, 2014

Well for having the warmest fall ever in Nederland, it has lead quickly to a frightfully cold winter. It was SO cold this week and it is only supposed to get colder. I am not sure if I will survive this winter but I guess as a missionary the Lord has promised me protection…didn’t know that included frostbite 
Funnies for the week:
  1. We got new batteries in our bike lights this week. And while that doesn’t sound very funny, our bike lights were almost out and pretty pathetic. If any of you have seen Night at the Museum, we were like the cave man discovering fire when we got new lights. We were jumping around super excited!! We looked hilarious. It doesn’t take much to make a missionary happy!
  2. We had Zone Conference this week and it was amazing but Elder Moreira (the quorum of the seventy member) was one of the most animated people I have ever met!! His eyes would pop out of his head whenever he was telling a story. It was amazing! We were laughing through the whole thing.
  3. Also at Zone Conference, President Robinson was talking about obedience and how faith leads to obedience. This past week I had coincidently studied that a lot. He asked rhetorically if any of us had seen the correlation between faith and obedience. Well because I had studied it this past week, I nodded my head confidently. So then President proceeds to call me out and say that I am probably more obedient than all the elders there…it was so awkward. I laughed about it though.
  4. We made Thanksgiving dinner at a member’s home this week. It was really fun! Although, my companion and I have never really made a pumpkin pie before and definitely not without American ingredients. We did our best. It was a really strange looking pie but it didn’t taste all that bad! We high-fived at the dinner table!
This week was incredible! As I am sitting here thinking about everything that happened, I can’t help but feel very strongly how much the Lord is working here in Lelystad. I will just explain some of the miracles we saw.
-We went and looked up a potential investigator that we had taught one lesson to a couple of weeks ago. We wanted to see what she thought of the Book of Mormon. We showed up and she let us right in. Within about 5 minutes of talking to us she said “Sister Adams, I just want to let you know that we have had really positive energy since you and Sister Heilner were here. I felt it when you were here and we felt the effects of it after you left. We put our house up for sale and it sold in 2 weeks and I know that it came from the positive energy that you brought.” It was amazing!! The energy is the spirit and it was incredible to see that she recognized it. She isn’t quite ready to take the lessons but she is amazing.
-We talked to this lady a couple of weeks ago in the Centrum and we had a great conversation and then she told us she wasn’t interested. We were in the Centrum again and she walked by and gave us a big smile and wave. It was super cool! Even though people don’t always accept our message, it is nice to know that we left a good impression and that we have friends!
-Our investigator Ursula has been super sick and in/out of the hospital. We had two members of the Branch give her a blessing. It was an incredible blessing and the spirit was really strong. We then decided to read Ether 12 with her. As we were reading, I felt very strongly that we needed to talk about baptism. So I brought it up and we went through all the baptismal questions and she realized that she is ready to be baptized once she finishes the lessons. It was incredible! Her son, who is 7, wants to be baptized too! It was really cool!
-I also talked to the sisters that are serving in Breda and found out that Wilko is investigating again and that his son is taking the lessons!!! Hearing that he was investigating, was seriously a huge answer to many of my prayers and fasts. When Wilko stopped investigating, I cried! I love that man and I am so happy to hear that miracles are happening and that he is doing good.
Okay I know this email is really long but I have so much to talk about!! We had Zone Conference this week and my mission has been changed. Elder Moreira was incredible. He told us that we needed to have more faith and confidence in our calling as missionaries! We need to become like Peter and be bold! We need to have confidence in our priesthood power. He taught us to change our attitudes and traditions with missionary work in Europe. The growth that has happened in South America can happen here, we just have to believe that it will happen. There were a lot of other things but it truly changed how I looked at a lot of things! I have no reason to be afraid of this work. I have the spirit of God with me to lead me! As Elder Ballard says “It is impossible to fail when you do your best and when you are on the Lord’s Errand.” At the end of the meeting Sister Robbins and I sang our musical number. It was one of the most spiritual experiences I have ever had. It might sound strange but we truly had angels singing with us. I can’t adequately explain how I felt but it wasn’t just my companion and I singing.
We are not alone! The Lord is with us always and his angles are around us to bear us up. We need to have faith in the Lord and in his timing but also in our own ability to make things happen. I am in charge of my agency and I can make things happen with my use of agency. I am excited to see what the future holds and how our mission changes. This is probably my last week in Lelystad. While I am sad about that, I know that the future is as bright as you make it! I will be like Peter, bold and unafraid of what the Lord asks of me!
Tot de volgende keer! Blijf warm en geniet van de kerst seizon!
Zuster Adams

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